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Chicago’s Best IMPOSSIBLE Burger – New, improved and better than ever!

Mission Impossible See The Menu

We know you love our juicy Bacon Burgers, Chicago Doubles and Turkey Burger. And we do too, but we have a new player in town. Try the Impossible Burger on your next visit- a 100% vegan, vegetable – loving, totally green burger that tastes, looks, grills and sizzles just like a real beef burger.

UPDATE: The Impossible Burger is better than ever! New and improved – beefier and juicier than before, with 30% less sodium, you can feel great about eating a burger that tastes just like ground beef – but is made entirely from plants.

Looking out for your health?

Plant-based and cholesterol free. What more can we say?

Looking out for our planet?

95% less land, 74% less water, and creates 87% less greenhouse gas emissions. And it’s 100% free of hormones, antibiotics, and artificial ingredients.

Be the first to try the Impossible Burger at all of our locations!